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Julie Taylor
Aug 16, 20157 min read
Supply and demand
What passes for a good dressage horse today is far removed from what used to pass for a good dressage horse. In fact, I'm not even sure...
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Julie Taylor
Jan 22, 20156 min read
Scandal avoidance 101
They say you should never give advice because fools won't heed it and wise men don't need it. That is in itself a piece of advice and as...
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Julie Taylor
Dec 9, 201410 min read
Akeem Foldager time line
According to a press release issued by Andreas Helgstrand's lawyers, the Olympic medalist has been acquitted of animal cruelty in a court...
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Julie Taylor
Nov 26, 201411 min read
The butterfly effect
I am glad I brought my wellingtons as I walk up the hill towards the meadow where Tulla, Luca, Jack and Buddy live. It's a bright...
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Julie Taylor
Oct 23, 20145 min read
Arguing without arguments
Some horse folks still think you have to do research and construct logical arguments in order to take part in online discussions about...
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Julie Taylor
Oct 15, 20146 min read
Vertical limit
Forget nitpicking over the definitions of rollkur and LDR. A guest editorial in the latest edition of The Veterinary Journal is called...
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Julie Taylor
Oct 9, 201414 min read
Round and round we go
One of the best things about writing the blog posts on is the feedback I get. Both the positive and the negative. The post on...
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Julie Taylor
Oct 7, 201415 min read
Joining up the dots
The other day a photo of some cute mules popped up on my Facebook newsfeed. It was a caption competition from The Brooke, and hopeful...
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Julie Taylor
Jun 8, 20144 min read
Moments of truth
Did you make an unfavourable comment on the pictures of Akeem Foldager's blue tongue when they were first published? Did you share them?...
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Julie Taylor
May 19, 20144 min read
The gold standard
I spent today in the Gredos mountains in Spain, following a small band of feral Pottoka ponies together with a couple of ethology...
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Julie Taylor
Apr 29, 20145 min read
Thrown to the curb
While we wait for the Danish Equestrian Federation's board of appeals to decide what kind of nothing to do about Andreas Helgstrand,...
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Julie Taylor
Apr 25, 20143 min read
Hestens Værn: Far from abuse
What is shown in the photos of Akeem Foldager is far from horse abuse, is the official stand of Danish horse protection group Hestens...
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Julie Taylor
Apr 23, 20146 min read
Where do we go from here
As always when we break a horse welfare scandal, somebody points out that "this guy is not the only one doing this stuff" - and then they...
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Julie Taylor
Apr 20, 20144 min read
Andreas Helgstrand blames bridle
The blue tongue in recent photos of Akeem Foldager was down to a badly fitted bridle and a curb chain which had inadvertently been...
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Julie Taylor
Apr 17, 20143 min read
Danish federation reacts to Akeem photos
The massive, international reaction to photos of the horse, Akeem Foldager, from an open house event at Helgstrand Dressage has forced...
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Julie Taylor
Apr 14, 20149 min read
Reply from Horseman's Calling
Two days ago, Stephanie Oliver, the marketing coordinator for Horseman's Calling, contacted us through Facebook. She was not very happy...
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Julie Taylor
Apr 11, 201410 min read
Horseman's Calling
Do you remember the movie Annie? Do you remember the scene where Annie recues Sandy the dog from street kids who have tied empty tins to...
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Julie Taylor
Feb 5, 20146 min read
Subject to scrutiny (Objects of desire part 2)
In the last blog post, I argued that most horse owners objectify their horses in one way or another. And then I asked the question: does...
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Julie Taylor
Jan 31, 20146 min read
Objects of desire
”Feminism is the radical notion that women are people.” So goes a famous quote by the feminist writer and editor, Marie Shear. What it...
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Julie Taylor
Oct 10, 20138 min read
Natural Inclinations
”Oh lets just turn all the horses loose and let them starve to death.” ”Or better yet, let's leave them in the tiniest mud hole we can...
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